Count on our know-how and our solutions to meet consumer demand:
Healthier products.
More naturalness: short and simple lists of ingredients.
72% of consumers place great importance on naturalness and simplicity when they buy food products (3)
Consumer expectations (1) (2):
1. 100% natural (79%)
1. Additive-free claim (67%)
Functional expectations.
Consumers are looking for food that takes care of their health and well-being. 64% of consumers adopt a more proactive and preventive approach to their health with the aim of ageing better (4)
(1) NutriMarketing study for the CFIA 2024 (2) FMCG Gurus 2024 (3) Kantar Food 360, 2022 (4) Top 10 trends 2023 FMCG Gurus
NUTRI + : AIT Ingredients' new concept
Less salt, sugar and fat... More protein, fibre and minerals:
our experts help you develop recipes that make all the difference to consumers!
We help you meet their needs :
1. A complete range of ingredients for self-formulation.
2. A selection of premixes for nutritional claims such as fiber, protein and minerals.
3. With your nutritional values, let’s identify the levers for nutritional improvement.
With NUTRI+, our experts help you enhance the nutritional profile of your breads, viennoiseries, and pastries to meet consumer expectations. Increase protein, fiber, or minerals; reduce salt, sugar, or fat: so many opportunities to improve your products and areas of innovation to explore. Our expertise will also allow you to accelerate
the go-to-market of your next product recipes.
Some of our products
PSYLLIUM FIBRE : Fibre obtained from psyllium husks, in the form of a fine off-white, slightly brown powder. Applications: Bread, biscuit and pastry making and food products. This fiber, high in fibre, also helps improve the hydration and softness of bakery products!
VITALBRAN BLÉ : Wheat bran finely micronised into a beige brown powder. Fortifies finished products with insoluble wheat fibre without compromising organoleptic properties. Increases bakery dough hydration in bread making. Plays a role in maintaining softness and especially the freshness of the crumb. Applications: Bread and biscuit making, food products. This wheat bran is high in copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and zinc.
VEGGY PROTEIN + : one of OUR “READY-TO-BAKE” NUTRITIONAL SOLUTIONS to make tasty breads. Premix made from legume flour, Veggy Protein + helps produce bakery products that are sources of fibre (5) and high in protein (5).
(5) Valid for strict compliance with the recipe provided
The InVivo group is a mission-driven company that places CSR at the heart of our development strategy. Naturally, consumer health and well-being are priorities. Directing our customers towards healthier product ranges is a challenge for all of our teams around the world.
Interested in finding out more about our NUTRI + solutions? Contact us: ait.contact@episens.fr